02 - Restful_Routing

// Restful_Routing:
// ================
// REST - Representational State Transfer
// Its a software architectural style.

// A web service which uses this 
// REST architectural pattern is called a RESTful WebService.
// As per REST architectural pattern, we follow below pattern
// while defining the routes:


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Now let's create our sample app to explain RESTful Routing:
// Here also, we have installed ejs, express, nodemon npm packages,
    npm i ejs express nodemon

// However, we will need one more npm package here, 
// which is method-override:
    npm i method-override

// Please note that we need package "method-override" to 
// send PATCH, DELETE, and some other requests.
// Because by default, our browsers only support
// GET and POST requests. 
// PATCH request is used when 
// we want to edit a data object.
// See index.js , index.ejs , edit-comment.ejs on how we can use it 
// to send PATCH and DELETE requests.

// YES!! we need one more npm package called "uuid"
    npm i uuid
// UUID = Universally Unique Identifier
// This is used to give unique ids to our data objects.
// See index.js on how we can use it to create unique ids.

// now, create index.js inside your project directory
// and try to understand how we are implementing 
// Restful_Routing(read the comments).

// Also, create folder "views" inside your project directory,
// and inside views folder, create folder comments and inside comments folder:
// 1> Create index.ejs for displaying all comments.
// 2> Create new_comment.ejs for displaying 
//    form to create a new comment.
// 3> Create show_comment.ejs for displaying 
//    a particular selected comment.
// 4> Create edit_comment.ejs for displaying 
//    a form to edit a particular selected comment.

// Once we have accomplished this, we should notice that
// we have implemented the CRUD functionalities:
// C-Create(comment/new_comment),
// R-Read(/comments & /comments/:id),
// U-Update(/comments/:id/edit), 
// D-Delete (/comments/:id)

// Thank You and Your Welcome :)